The healing power of the breath

Did you know that we are all walking around with a natural healing power within us? We often go outside of ourselves looking for medications and cures for stress, anxiety, depression and many other illnesses, but we have a natural cure that we carry with us every day. Our breath can be used in many ways to calm our emotions, reduce anxiety and improve our mood. On a daily basis, we tend to breathe in a quick and shallow manner, not really paying attention to our breath at all.  The only time we really pay attention to our breath is when there is an issue like being out of breath after walking a flight of stairs or when we have a cold or the flu.

Breathing is actually a hidden key to our overall wellness. Learning to practice deep “belly” breathing at least 10 minutes a day has been shown to reduce our risk for developing cancer, heart disease and depression. Deep breathing exercises also improve our mental focus by providing more oxygen to the brain and reducing our levels of stress, anger and anxiety. Some doctors also prescribe breathing exercises for people who have trouble sleeping.

Here’s an example of a deep breathing exercise that you can try at home.

  1. Sit in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed and inhale very slowly thru your nose using your diaphragm (your belly should expand while you inhale with little or no chest movement).
  2. Once your lungs are full and your belly has expanded, hold your breath for about 3 to 5 seconds. ·Then slowly exhale thru your mouth making sure you use your belly to push the air out. Once your lungs are empty and your belly is contracted, repeat the cycle. Your goal is to repeat this cycle of (inhale, hold, exhale) for 5 to 10 minutes a day.

The best time to practice this type of deep breathing is first thing in the morning after you wake up or right before you go to bed at night. While practicing deep breathing in the morning, I suggest visualizing how you want your day to go or something that you want to achieve. This will enhance your deep breathing practice and increase the benefits. If practicing your deep breathing at night before bed, visualize yourself exhaling the stresses of the day and clearing your body of all tension. This will help in getting a good night’s sleep and resting well.

Now that you know the benefits of deep breathing, be mindful of your breath throughout the day. You can implement deep breathing at anytime and anywhere. Whenever you feel stress or tension in your body, just breathe deeply. If you feel yourself loosing energy or becoming tired, start your deep breathing exercises. It may seem difficult in the beginning, but don’t stop. Stick with it and you will see the results.

Be well,

Dr. Tonya

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